15+ Best Liquids for Smoothies: Water, Juices, Milk and More

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We all love refreshing smoothies, and almost everyone enjoys them. Smoothies are delicious, nutritious, and the perfect drink to start your day. You can prepare them with fresh or frozen fruits and veggies blended with suitable liquid.

People usually focus on fruits & vegetables but ignore the importance of a liquid which plays a crucial part in its consistency & taste. Traditionally, there are a few popular liquid choices, like water, milk, and juices for smoothies. 

But in this post, we specifically focus on some of the best liquids for smoothies. We compiled a massive list of 15+ best liquids to make a healthy & exciting drink.

So let’s dive into the list below.

1. Water-The Universal Base

Best Liquids for Smoothies
Filtered Water

Water is the best liquid for weight loss or low-calorie smoothies. It is the perfect liquid to put in your smoothie made exclusively from vegetables. Water is the universally adopted base for almost every kind of mixture. Water is the only no-color, no-calories, and no-cost option. 

It doesn’t change your smoothie flavor, but it certainly may change your smoothie’s consistency. It’ll make it less thick. You may get a juice-like feeling. If you are opting for a no-creaming and less-calorie drink, you should definitely put the desired quantity of filtered water in your smoothie. 

Alternatively, you can add ice cubes for a chilly and foamy texture. 

2. Green Tea-A Superb Antioxidant

Best Liquids for Smoothies
Green Tea

In terms of health and nutrition, green tea ranks among the top drinks. Green tea is a great source of antioxidants that are good for the heart & brain. 

It’s a unique idea to use green tea as a liquid base in your smoothie, which may improve the taste & benefits of your drink. Green tea would be a fat-burning factor in your smoothie. You may try your favorite green tea in the smoothie.       

3. Fresh Juices

Best Liquids for Smoothies
Fresh Juices

Fresh juices extracted from fruits and vegetables are the most recommended liquids to add to smoothies. You have a wide variety of fruit and vegetable juices to choose from. Although it requires a bit of struggle, the rewards are well worth the effort. Here’s a list of the best and healthiest juices for smoothies to churn out wholesome beverages.

  • Orange juice (Choose among the best oranges for juicing)
  • Pomegranate juice (Powerhouse of antioxidants)
  • Celery juice (Detoxifying and hydrating punch)
  • Pear juice (Learn the benefits)
  • Beetroot juice (Vitality and endurance booster)
  • Carrot juice (Immunity & stamina booster)
  • Grapes juice (A delightful touch of sweetness)
  • Pineapple juice (Refreshing delight)
  • Peach juice (Taste burst)

Fresh juices come with all the vitamins and minerals with natural sugar content, which enhance the nutrition of your smoothie. Infuse your smoothie with healthy nutrients from fresh juices.

Avoid packaged juice available in markets because of higher sugar, preservatives & other unhealthy chemicals. Several side effects have been reported as a result of these chemicals. Freshly squeezed juices are always the best choice.

4. Vegetable Soups

Best Liquids for Smoothies
Veg Soups

Vegetable soups are another unique & creative option for smoothies. You can count veg—soups as a good source of antioxidants and other vitamins & minerals.

You can prepare a bulk quantity of broth-based soups of different combinations of vegetables, airtight in a container & store them in your fridge to use multiple times in your smoothies. But never keep the soup for more than a week as it may lose its nutritional value.

5. Coconut Water

Best Liquids for Smoothies
Coconut Water

Coconut water has all the goodness of a healthier drink. It is loaded with vitamins & electrolytes. It is low in calories, sugar & fats.

You can take coconut water in moderate quantities without fearing calories. You can add a cup of coconut water to your smoothie. It will enhance the taste & nutritional value of your smoothie. Try to use fresh coconut water, which is usually available almost everywhere. 

6. Maple Water

Best Liquids for Smoothies
Maple Water

Maple water is a water-like pure liquid (maple sap) produced by maple trees. This plant sap is then pasteurized to get rid of harmful germs and to make it ready for consumption. On the other hand, maple syrup is a dense concentration of maple water containing a high amount of sugar.

Maple water contains only 2% sugar, making it a low-calorie drink. It helps to stabilize blood sugar & strengthens the digestive system. It is rich in antioxidants and electrolytes, making it a better drink than plain and coconut water.

You might find maple water online or at major supermarkets if you hunt around. Add this to your smoothie for a healthy option.

7. Dairy Milk

Best Liquids for Smoothies
Dairy Milk

Natural Diary Milk is the most favored liquid for several healthy drinks. You may select skimmed or whole milk. It turns your smoothie thicker & creamier in texture.

It makes the smoothie filled with protein & all essential nutrients like calcium, potassium, and vitamin D. Add a cup of milk to 2 cups of fruits & vegetables in your smoothie maker and blend it with love for a creamier & tasteful drink. Despite the wide variety of milk for smoothies, cow’s milk is the most nutritious choice.

8. Oat Milk

Oat Milk is the best option for smoothie recipes for vegans or plant-based diets. Plant-based nutrients are becoming more popular nowadays, and there is a pretty good number of options available. Moderate consumption of oat milk will reap a lot of benefits.

It contains fiber, vitamins, minerals & many other nutritious ingredients. The product is always in access and does not put a strain on your wallet. Even you can make it at home effortlessly. 

9. Coconut Milk

You can add coconut Milk as a substitute for dairy milk because it contains good fats & other beneficial nutrients. Coconut milk is a rich liquid extracted from coconuts. It is a yummy option for taste-conscious individuals. 

Coconut milk contains many vitamins and minerals that help keep the body healthy. As coconut milk has a high-calorie value, it should be used in moderation. 

10. Soy Milk

Soy milk is an excellent alternative to dairy milk due to its high protein content. It is a loaded bundle of vitamins and minerals, including A, B12, D, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and phosphorus. 

Soy milk brands usually fortify the milk with other minerals. Soy milk contains less quantity of lactose than cow’s milk and does not cause digestive issues. Soy Milk would be a good option for weight-watchers and lactose intolerants. You can pick anyone between sweetened & unsweetened soy milk for smoothies, but the first would be more beneficial.

Alternate milks as liquid for smoothies
Alt Milks

11. Hemp Milk 

Hemp milk is produced by blending hemp plant (Cannabis sativa) seeds with water. Most brands include other additives to fortify the milk. It is closely matched to dairy milk in terms of all essential nourishing ingredients. 

Naturally, it is abundant in proteins, vitamins, and good fats like Omega-3, Omega-6, and other minerals. Hemp milk is creamy & nutty in flavor. 

Hemp milk is good for the heart & nervous system. Although hemp plants are believed to have psychoactive properties, in contrast, hemp seeds do not cause any kind of mind-altering effects. For more insights, read this.

12. Pea Milk

If you are on a low-carb diet, you should definitely consider Pea Milk. You’ll get more protein in pea milk than in any other alternative milk. Pea milk manufacturers fortify the liquid with other vitamins and minerals.

Pea Milk is an excellent smoothie liquid to add to your collection. Make sure that pea milk is unflavored and unsweetened for better output.

13. Rice Milk

Rice milk will fulfill your needs if you are on a low-fat diet. Rice Milk is packed with rich antioxidants which help you to fight infections & other diseases. Rice milk suits those with allergies to dairy or other milk alternatives.

Rice Milk doesn’t suit well to diabetic patients as it has higher levels of carbs. The brands also fortify rice Milk with added thickeners and other stabilizers. You can give it a try to see if it works for you.

14. Almond Milk 

Another dairy-free and most popular alternative is Almond Milk. It is by far & undisputedly one of the best alternatives in terms of taste & nutrition. Almond milk is filled with Vitamin A, E, D, Calcium & other essential nutrients. 

It’s low-carb and low in fats. Anyone on a weight loss journey may consider this liquid since it has a low-calorie value. You can have a reasonable amount of unsweetened almond milk in your smoothies, even in your day-to-day routine. 

15. Yogurt

Best Liquids for Smoothies

Yogurt is one of the favorite liquid options for smoothies. Adding it to your smoothie will give it a thick & creamy texture. Yogurt enhances the flavor of smoothies. You may choose dairy, non-dairy, and regular or Greek yogurt. 

Add a cup of yogurt into the blender with other ingredients and see the magic. Yogurt promotes gut health & provides the goodness of probiotics. Yogurt carries proteins, vitamins, and other nutrients.

16. Kefir-for Probiotics

Best Liquids for Smoothies

Kefir is a fermented dairy product traditionally made out of dairy milk like cow’s or goat’s milk. It resembles yogurt, but it’s different from yogurt.

Kefir is the powerhouse of probiotics & other vital nutrients. Kefir contains more probiotics than yogurt. Kefir is an excellent choice for your gut health. You can add a cup of kefir to energize your smoothies.


Why do you need to put a liquid in a smoothie?

Smoothies are a combination of hard and soft ingredients. The hard part refers to fruits and vegetables, while the soft part refers to liquids. This combination of hard & soft ingredients turns the smoothies more liquified and easy to digest. Without liquid, your blender might not work properly, and the drink might end up with bits of fruits & veggies.

What kind of liquid base should you choose for a smoothie?

There are different options, and choosing one of them depends upon your priorities. What do you prefer? Low-calorie, low-fat, low-sugar, creamy texture, or anything else relies upon you. You can choose any of the mentioned options.

How Much Liquid to Use for a Smoothie?

The basic ratio would be 2:1, which means two parts of fruits or vegetables & one part of liquid. This quantity makes the smoothie a little thick, but the amount of ingredients can be adjusted according to your preferred taste & texture.

Finding the suitable liquid to blend with your favorite fruits & vegetables is integral to creating a scrumptious smoothie. You can choose any liquid listed above, and if you’re feeling adventurous, you can try different liquid combinations for smoothies and set your favorite as your default. Smoothies are a great way to kick-start your journey toward a healthier lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle shouldn’t be boring, so we must keep things interesting & constantly changing!

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